Reformation Los Gatos, Bay Area - Ideal Protein -
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Four and half months in and I have lost 60 pounds! Not only have I lost weight, I sleep better, my mind is clear, no more dark circles under my eyes, my mental health has improved significantly, the list goes on...

What we do

At Reformation Body Solutions, we take the guess work out of figuring out what foods you should be eating and ones you should avoid. We do it all for you through a personalized meal plan that mixes nutrient-rich Ideal Protein meal replacement products with healthy grocery food. Your coach will also be available to educate you on portion control, healthy recipes, label reading and much more.

Recipes & Tips 


Explore our recipes, tips, cooking demos, get inspired and motivated to be a healthier you!



We offer virtual health workshops that encompass a variety of wellness subjects, including cooking demonstrations, skin repair, emotional eating and much more!

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